Monday, April 6, 2009

Important Information!

Class of 2009, please pay attention to the following information:

- 8th Grade Memory Books: Please bring in a picture of yourself from grades K to 8. They do not have to be pictures from SJS, just pictures of you. These pictures must be submitted by this Wednesday to Mrs. Keaton.

- 8th Grade Field Trip to "Ain't Misbehavin": Order forms must be submitted by this Wednesday to Mrs. Baquet in order to attend the May 8 showing.

- Term Paper update: Today (4/6) was the due date to receive English points on your approved topic/contribution. Remember, the thesis statement MUST be APPROVED by April 17. This is during the middle of break and will require you to email me. Simply turning one in by the 17th is NOT enough; you must receive formal approval.

- Holy Week: Please remember to attend Holy Thursday Mass at 7pm, Good Friday Services at 1pm, and one of the Masses for Easter.

God bless and enjoy the Easter vacation.

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